
Μπουντιούκος Εμμανουήλ Α.
Βενιζέλου Ελευθερίου 2, Κοζάνη, 50132, ΚΟΖΑΝΗΣ
Παρέχεται η δυνατότητα κατ’οίκον επισκέψεων.
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Μπουντιούκος Εμμανουήλ Α. Βενιζέλου Ελευθερίου 2, Κοζάνη, 50132, ΚΟΖΑΝΗΣ

Εκτιμώμενη διάρκεια ραντεβού: 30 λεπτά,
 Ενδεικτική τιμή επίσκεψης: -


Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης: Πτυχίο Ιατρικής.

Erasmus MC, Thoraxcenter, Rotterdam Ολλανδίας: Διδακτορικός τίτλος PhD.


  • 1986: Αποφοίτηση από 4ο Γενικό Λύκειο Κοζάνης
  • 1987-1993: Ιατρική Σχολή Αριστοτέλειου Πανεπιστήμιου Θεσσαλονίκης (Α.Π.Θ.)


  • 1993: Δίπλωμα Ιατρικής Σχολής Θεσσαλονίκης (Λίαν καλώς)


  • 1993-1994: Υπηρεσία υπαίθρου, Αγροτικό ιατρείο Αλωνακίων Κοζάνης


  • 1994-1995: Ιατρική εκπαίδευση στην Παθολογία, Μποδοσάκειο Νοσοκομείο Πτολεμαίδας


  • 1996-1997: Εκπλήρωση στρατιωτικής θητείας ως Ιατρός Υγειονομικού στο Κέντρο Εκπαίδευσης Νεοσυλλέκτων Μαυροδενδρίου Κοζάνης


  • 1998-2001: Ιατρική εκπαίδευση στην Καρδιολογία, Γενικό Περιφερειακό Νοσοκομείο Θεσσαλονίκης «Γ. Παπανικολάου»


  • 2000-2001: 6ο Ετήσιο Μετεκπαιδευτικό Πρόγραμμα  Προνοσοκομειακής Ιατρικής Εθνικού Κέντρου ¨Άμεσης Βοήθειας (E.K.A.B.)


  • 2001: Πιστοποιητικό επάρκειας στην Επείγουσα Ιατρική


  • Ιούνιος 2001: Απόκτηση τίτλου ειδικότητας στην Καρδιολογία


  • 2001-2003: Επιστημονικός Συνεργάτης Thoraxcenter, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.  Μετεκπαίδευση στις νεώτερες τεχνικές υπερήχων καρδιάς.


  • 2003-σήμερα: Εξάσκηση Ειδικότητας Καρδιολογίας. Από τον Ιούνιο 2003 έως τον Ιούνιο 2004, από το Νοέμβριο 2004 έως το Νοέμβριο 2005 και από τον Ιανουάριο 2006 έως τον Ιανουάριο 2007 θεράπων καρδιολόγος στα Πολυϊατρεία του Π.Ε.Κ.Α. Δ.Μ. Κοζάνης.



  • Δεκέμβριος 2004: Απονομή του τίτλου του Διδάκτορος του Πανεπιστημίου Erasmus, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.


  • Ακαδημαϊκά έτη: 2006-2007, 2007-2008: Διδάσκων το μάθημα της Παθολογίας στο ΤΕΕ βοηθών νοσηλευτών-τριών της Κοζάνης

Ακαδημαϊκή Έρευνα:

 Δημοσιεύσεις σε διεθνή επιστημονικά περιοδικά

Schinkel AF, Bountioukos M, Poldermans D, Bax JJ. Letter by Schinkel et al regarding article, “Projected valve area at normal flow rate improves the assessment of stenosis severity in patients with low-flow, low-gradient aortic stenosis: the multicenter TOPAS (Truly or Pseudo-Severe Aortic Stenosis) study”. Circulation. 2006 Oct 3;114(14):e526;author replay e527.


Bountioukos M, Schinkel FL, Bax JJ, Lampropoulos S, Poldermans D. The impact of hypertension on systolic and diastolic left ventricular function. A tissue Doppler echocardiographic study. Am Heart J 2006 Jun;151(6):1323.e7-12).


Biagini E, Valgimogli M, Smits PC, Poldermans D, Schinkel AF, Rizzello V, Onderwater EE, Bountioukos M, Serruys PW. Stress and tissue Doppler echocardiographic evidence of effectiveness of myoblast transplantation in patients with ischemic heart failure. Eur J Heart Fail. 2006 Feb 27;  [Epub ahead of print].


Rizzello V, Poldermans D, Biagini E, Kertai MD, Schinkel AFL, Boersma E, Krenning BJ, Vourvouri EC, Bountioukos M, Crea F, Roelandt JRTC, Bax JJ. Comparison of long-term effect of coronary artery bypass grafting in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy with viable -vs- nonviable left ventricular myocardium. Am J Cardiol . 2004 Sep 15;94(6):757-60.


Rizzello V, Poldermans D, Biagini E, Schinkel AFL, van Domburg R, Elhendy A, Vourvouri EC, Bountioukos M, Lombardo A, Krenning BJ, Roelandt JRTC, Bax JJ. Improvement of stress LVEF rather than rest LVEF after coronary revascularization in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy and viable myocardium. Heart. 2005 Mar;91(3):319-23.


 Bountioukos M, Schinkel AFL, Bax JJ, Rizzello V, Rambaldi R, Roelandt JRTC, Poldermans D. Pulsed-wave tissue Doppler quantification of systolic and diastolic function of viable and non-viable myocardium in patients with ischemic cardiomyopatthy. Am Heart J. 2004 Dec;148(6):1079-84.


Rizzello V, Poldermans D, Biagini E, Kertai MD, Schinkel AFL, Boersma E, Krenning BJ, Vourvouri EC, Bountioukos M, Crea F, Roelandt JRTC, Bax JJ. Prognosis of patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy after coronary revascularization: relation to viability and improvement in LVEF. Submitted.


Rizzello V, Poldermans D, Biagini E, Boersma E, Schinkel AFL, Sozzi F, Bountioukos M, Elhendy A, Crea F, Roelandt JRTC, Bax JJ. Long-term prognostic value of myocardial viability and ischemia during dobutamine stress echocardiography in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy undergoing coronary revascularization. Submitted.


Biagini E, Schinkel AFL, Rizzello V, van Domburg RT, Pedone C, Elhendy A, Krenning BJ, Bountioukos M, Vourvouri EC, Branzi A, Rapezzi C, Simoons ML, Bax JJ, Poldermans D. Prognostic stratification of patients with right bundle branch block using dobutamine stress echocardiography. Am J Cardiol. 2004 Oct 1;94(7):954-7.


Biagini E, Schinkel AFL, Bax JJ, Rizzello V, Elhendy A, van Domburg RT, Krenning BJ, Bountioukos M, Branzi A, Rapezzi C, Branzi A, Simoons ML, Poldermans D. Long-term outcome in patients with silent versus symptomatic ischemia during dobutamine stress echocardiography. Heart. 2005 Jun;91(6):737-42.


Biagini E, Elhendy A, JJ Bax, Rizzello V, Schinkel AFL, van Domburg RT, Krenning BJ, Bountioukos M, Vourvouri EC, Rapezzi C, Simoons ML, Poldermans D. 7 year follow-up after dobutamine stress echocardiography. Impact of gender on prognosis. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2005 Jan 4;45(1):93-7.


 Bountioukos M, Elhendy A, van Domburg RT, Schinkel AFL, Bax JJ, Krenning ΒJ, Biagini E, Rizzello V, Simoons ML, Poldermans D. Prognostic value of dobutamine stress echocardiography in patients with prior coronary revascularization. Heart 2004 Sep;90(9):1031-5.


Rizzello V, Bax JJ, Schinkel AF, Boersma E, Bountioukos M, Vourvouri EC, Crea F, Biagini E, Elhendy A, Roelandt JRTC, Poldermans D. Does resting two-dimensional echocardiography identify patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy and low likelihood of functional recovery after coronary revascularization? Coron Artery Dis 2004 Aug:15(5);269-275.


Schinkel AF, Bax JJ, Elhendy A, Van Domburg RT, Valkema R, Vourvouri E, Bountioukos M, Rizzello V, Biagini E, Agricola E, Krenning EP, Simoons ML, Poldermans D. Long-term prognostic value of dobutamine stress echocardiography compared with myocardial perfusion scanning in patients unable to perform exercise tests. Am J Med 2004;117(1):1-9.


Bountioukos M, Schinkel AF, Bax JJ, Rizzello V, Valkema R, Krenning BJ, Biagini E, Vourvouri EC, Roelandt JR, Poldermans D. Pulsed wave tissue Doppler imaging for the quantification of contractile reserve in stunned, hibernating, and scarred myocardium. Heart 2004;90(5):506-10.


Bountioukos M, Schinkel AF, Poldermans D, Rizzello V, Vourvouri EC, Krenning BJ, Biagini E, Roelandt JR, Bax JJ. QT dispersion correlates to myocardial viability assessed by dobutamine stress echocardiography in patients with severely depressed left ventricular function due to coronary artery disease. Eur J Heart Fail 2004;6(2):187-93.


Rizzello V, Biagini E, Schinkel AF, Bountioukos M, Boersma E, Vourvouri EC, Sozzi FB, Elhendy A, Roelandt JR, Poldermans D, Bax JJ. Comparison of functional recovery of mildly hypokinetic versus severely dysfunctional left ventricular segments after revascularization in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy. Am J Cardiol 2004;93(4):394-8.


Schinkel AF, Vourvouri EC, Bax JJ, Boomsma F, Bountioukos M, Rizzello V, Biagini E, Agricola E, Elhendy A, Roelandt JR, Poldermans D. Relation between left ventricular contractile reserve during low dose dobutamine echocardiography and plasma concentrations of natriuretic peptides. Heart 2004;90(3):293-6.


Kertai MD, Bountioukos M, Boersma E, Bax JJ, Thomson IR, Sozzi F, Klein J, Roelandt JR, Poldermans D. Aortic stenosis: an underestimated risk factor for perioperative complications in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery. Am J Med 2004;116(1):8-13.


 Szili-Torok T, Bountioukos M, Muskens AJQM, Theuns DAMJ, Poldermans D, Roelandt JRTC, Jordaens LJ. The presence of contractile reserve has no predictive value for the evolution of left ventricular function following atrioventricular node ablation in patients with permanent atrial fibrillation. Eur J Echocardiogr. 2005 Oct;6(5):344-50.


Smits PC, van Geuns RJ, Poldermans D, Bountioukos M, Onderwater EE, Lee CH, Maat AP, Serruys PW. Catheter-based intramyocardial injection of autologous skeletal myoblasts as a primary treatment of ischemic heart failure: clinical experience with six-month follow-up. J Am Coll Cardiol 2003;42(12):2063-9.


Vourvouri EC, Schinkel AF, Roelandt JR, Boomsma F, Sianos G, Bountioukos M, Sozzi FB, Rizzello V, Bax JJ, Karvounis HI, Poldermans D. Screening for left ventricular dysfunction using a hand-carried cardiac ultrasound device. Eur J Heart Fail 2003;5(6):767-74.


Bountioukos M, Doorduijn JK, Roelandt JR, Vourvouri EC, Bax JJ, Schinkel AF, Kertai MD, Sonneveld P, Poldermans D. Repetitive dobutamine stress echocardiography for the prediction of anthracycline cardiotoxicity. Eur J Echocardiogr 2003;4(4):300-5.


Bountioukos M, Schinkel AF, Bax JJ, Rizzello V, Rambaldi R, Vourvouri EC, Roelandt JR, Poldermans D. Quantification of regional left ventricular function in Q wave and non-Q wave dysfunctional regions by tissue Doppler imaging in patients with ischaemic cardiomyopathy. Heart 2003;89(11):1322-6.


Schinkel AF, Bountioukos M, Poldermans D, Elhendy A, Valkema R, Vourvouri EC, Biagini E, Rizzello V, Kertai MD, Krenning B, Krenning EP, Roelandt JR, Bax JJ. Relation between QT dispersion and myocardial viability in ischemic cardiomyopathy. Am J Cardiol 2003;92(6):712-5.


Bountioukos M, Rizzello V, Krenning BJ, Bax JJ, Kertai MD, Vourvouri EC, Schinkel AF, Biagini E, Boersma E, Roelandt JR, Poldermans D. Effect of atorvastatin on myocardial contractile reserve assessed by tissue Doppler imaging in moderately hypercholesterolemic patients without heart disease. Am J Cardiol 2003;92(5):613-6.


Bountioukos M, Kertai MD, Schinkel AF, Vourvouri EC, Rizzello V, Krenning BJ, Bax JJ, Roelandt JR, Poldermans D. Safety of dobutamine stress echocardiography in patients with aortic stenosis. J Heart Valve Dis 2003;12(4):441-6.


Rizzello V, Schinkel AF, Bax JJ, Boersma E, Bountioukos M, Vourvouri EC, Krenning B, Agricola E, Roelandt JR, Poldermans D. Individual prediction of functional recovery after coronary revascularization in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy: the scar-to-biphasic model. Am J Cardiol 2003;91(12):1406-9.


Schinkel AF, Bax JJ, Valkema R, Elhendy A, van Domburg RT, Vourvouri EC, Bountioukos M, Krenning EP, Roelandt JR, Poldermans D. Effect of diabetes mellitus on myocardial 18F-FDG SPECT using acipimox for the assessment of myocardial viability. J Nucl Med 2003;44(6):877-83.


Rambaldi R, Poldermans D, Bax JJ, Bountioukos M, Roelandt JR. Post-extrasystolic potentiation recruits incremental contractile reserve of dyssynergic myocardium during dobutamine stress testing: evidence by pulsed wave tissue Doppler imaging. Eur J Echocardiogr 2003;4(2):148-51.


Schinkel AF, Elhendy A, van Domburg RT, Bax JJ, Vourvouri EC, Bountioukos M, Rizzello V, Agricola E, Valkema R, Roelandt JR, Poldermans D. Incremental value of exercise technetium-99m tetrofosmin myocardial perfusion single-photon emission computed tomography for the prediction of cardiac events. Am J Cardiol 2003;91(4):408-11.



·         Poldermans D, Bountioukos M, Kertai MD. Concerns of the heart: Cardioprotection with Bisoprolol. Interactive CD. Merck KgaA, Darmastadt, Germany 2003.

·         Schinkel AFL, Bountioukos M. Exercise stress testing, stress echocardiography, and scintigraphy: which tool for which patient? Coronary Atherosclerosis: Current Management and Treatment. Informa pub.

·         Chourmouzios Arampatzis (Editor), Eugene P McFadden (Editor), Lampros K Michalis (Editor), Renu Virmani (Editor), Patrick W. Serruys (Editor). Coronary Atherosclerosis: Current Management and Treatment, Chapter 7: Exercise stress testing, stress echocardiography, and scintigraphy: Which tool for which patient?  Schinkel AFL, Bountioukos M



 Δημοσιευμένες ανακοινώσεις σε διεθνή συνέδρια
  • Bountioukos M, Smits PC, Poldermans D, Serruys PW Tissue Doppler for the assessment of the effect of percutaneous skeletal myoblast injection on left ventricular performance in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy.
·         Hellenic Journal of  Cardiology 2004;45(suppl A):5


·         Bountioukos M, Schinkel AFL, Bax  JJ, Rizzello V, Krenning BJ, Roelandt JRTC, Poldermans D. Pulsed-wave tissue Doppler imaging for the quantification of contractile reserve in stunned, hibernating, and scarred myocardium.

·         Hellenic Journal of  Cardiology 2004;45(suppl A):82

  • Biagini E, Bax JJ, Schinkel AFL, Rizzello V, Pedone C, Bountioukos M, Simoons ML, Poldermans D. Prognostic value of dobutamine stress echocardiography in patients with right bundle branch block. Eur Heart J 2004.

  • Rizzello V, FB Sozzi F, EC Vourvouri EC, M Bountioukos M, A Lombardo A, F Crea F, D Poldermans D. Improvement of stress LVEF rather thean rest LVEF in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy and viable myocardium. Circulation 2004.


  • Rizzello V, Biagini E, Poldermans D, Sozzi F, Vourvouri EC, Bountioukos M, Crea F, Bax JJ. Prognosis of patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy after coronary revascularization: relation to viability and improvement in LVEF. Eur J Echocardiogr 2004.


·         Bountioukos M, Schinkel AFL, Bax JJ, Krenning BJ, Vourvouri EC, Rizzello V, Poldermans D, Roelandt JRTC. Quantification of regional left ventricular function in Q-wave and non-Q-wave dysfunctional regions by tissue Doppler imaging in patients with ischaemic cardiomyopathy. Eur J Echocardiogr 2003;4(Suppl I):S34

  • Bountioukos M, Kertai MD, Vourvouri EC, Rizzello V, Biagini E, Krenning BJ, Roelandt JRTC, Poldermans D. Safety of dobutamine stress echocardiography in patients with aortic stenosis. Eur J Echocardiogr 2003;4(Suppl I):S103

  • Rizzello V, Bax JJ, Schinkel AFL, Biagini E, Bountioukos M, Colizzi C, Roelandt JRTC, Poldermans D. Can we predict better functional recovery after coronary revascularization in mildly hypokinetic segments? Eur J Echocardiogr 2003;4(Suppl I):S802003;4(Suppl I):S87


  • Rizzello V, Biagini E, Schinkel AFL, Bax JJ, Bountioukos M, Vourvouri EC, Roelandt JRTC, Poldermans D. Can resting 2D echocardiography identify patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy and low likelihood of functional improvement after revascularization? Eur J Echocardiogr 2003;4(Suppl I):S80


  • Rizzello V, Biagini E, Galema TW, Bountioukos M, Colizzi C, Sozzi FB, Vourvouri EC, Ten Cate FJ. The assessment of left ventricular volumes and ejection fraction by experienced and low-experienced observers is improved by the use of a contrast agent. Eur J Echocardiogr 2003;4(Suppl I):S16

·         Vourvouri EC, Schinkel AFL, Rizzello V, Sianos G, Bountioukos M, Sozzi F, Karvounis HI, Roelandt JRTC. A hand-held echocardiographic device for screening for early left ventricular dysfunction. A comparison to brain natriuretic peptide and standard echo. Eur J Echocardiogr 2003;4(Suppl I):S121


·         Vourvouri EC, Rizzello V, Schinkel AFL, Bountioukos M, Biagini E, ten Cate FJ, Karvounis HI, Roelandt JRTC. A hand-carried cardiac ultrasound device in the diagnosis of cardiac abnormalities. A comparison to physical examination.  Eur J Echocardiogr 2003;4(Suppl I):S121

·         Schinkel AFL, Bac JJ, Elhendy A, Bountioukos M, Biagini E, Vourvouri EC, Rizzello E, Sozzi F, Roelandt JRTC, Poldermans D. How many patients with ischemic left ventricular dysfunction do recover in contractile function following revascularization? Eur J Echocardiogr 2003;4(Suppl I):S28


·         Biagini E, Schinkel AFL, Elhendy A, Rocchi G, Rizzello V, Vourvouri E, Bountioukos M, Poldermans D, Roelandt JRTC. Does the presence of angina during stress testing influence prognosis in patients with ischemia during stress echocardiography? Eur J Echocardiogr 2003;4(Suppl I):S89


·         Biagini E, Rizzello V, Vourvouri EC, Schinkel AFL, Bountioukos M, Rocchi G, Rapezzi C, Poldermans D, Roelandt JRTC. Aortic valve sclerosis screening using a hand-held ultrasound device. Eur J Echocardiogr 2003;4(Suppl I):S122


·         Schinkel AFL, Bax JJ, Elhendy A, Bountioukos M, Biagini E, Vourvouri E, Rizzello V, Krenning B, Roelandt JRTC, Poldermans D. What test should we use to assess prognosis: dobutamine stress echocardiography or nuclear imaging? Eur J Echocardiogr 2003;4(Suppl I):S125


  • Biagini E, Schinkel AFL, Elhendy A, Bax JJ, van Domburg RT, Rizzello V, Bountioukos M, Rocchi G, Krenning BJ, Roelandt JRTC, Poldermans D. Prognostic Significance of Silent Versus Symptomatic Ischemia During Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography. Eur Heart J 2003.


·         Bountioukos M, Vourvouri E, Schinkel AFL, Bax JJ, Rizzello V, Poldermans D. Pulsed-wave tissue Doppler imaging for the quantitative assessment of myocardial function in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy. Hellenic Journal of  Cardiology 2003;43(suppl):67


·         Bountioukos M, Schinkel AFL, Bax  JJ, Rizzello V, Krenning BJ, Roelandt JRTC., Poldermans D. Pulsed-wave tissue Doppler imaging for the quantification of contractile reserve in stunned, hibernating, and scarred myocardium. Eur J Echocardiogr 2003;4(suppl I):S2

·         Bountioukos M, Schinkel AFL, Bax JJ, Rizzello V, Roelandt JRTC., Poldermans D. QT dispersion correlates to myocardial viability assessed by dobutamine stress echocardiography in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy. Eur J Echocardiogr 2003;4(Suppl I):S88

·         Bountioukos M, Elhendy A, van Domburg RT, Krenning BJ, Schinkel AFL, Roelandt JRTC, Poldermans D. Prognostic value of dobutamine stress echocardiography in patients with previous coronary revascularization. Eur J Echocardiogr 2003;4(Suppl I):S88


·         Schinkel AFL, Elhendy A, Vourvouri EC, Bountioukos M, Sozzi FB, Roelandt JRTC. Long-term prognostic value of dobutamine stress technetium-99m-sestamibi SPECT: 8 year follow-up in patients with limited exercise capacity. Circulation 2003;108:2018


·         Kertai MD, Bountioukos M, Bax JJ, Klein J, van Urk H, Poldermans D. Long-term statin use is associated with a reduced mortality after successful abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery. Circulation 2003;108:2203.


·         Kertai MD, Bountioukos M, Klein J, van Urk H, Poldermans D. Statins and β-blockers are independently associated with a reduced incidence of perioperative mortality and myocardial infarction in patients undergoing abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery. Circulation 2003;108:2963


·         Bountioukos M, Poldermans D, Bax, JJ Sozzi F, Vourvouri E, Schinkel AFL, Kertai MD, Roelandt JRTC. Atorvastatin improves myocardial contractility in moderately hypercholesterolemic patients, as assessed by tissue Doppler imaging during dobutamine stress echocardiography. J Am Coll Cardiol 2003;41(suppl A):442A


·         Bountioukos M, Schinkel AFL, Bax JJ, Vourvouri E, Arampatzis C, Poldermans D, Roelandt JRTC. Tissue Doppler imaging of left ventricle: Q waves on ECG do not preclude myocardial viability. Hellenic Journal of Cardiology 2003;43(suppl):48


·         Bountioukos M, Elhendy A, Schinkel AFL, Vourvouri E, Bax JJ, Arampatzis C, Poldermans D, Roelandt JRTC. Prognostic value of dobutamine stress echocardiography in patients with previous revascularization. Hellenic Journal of Cardiology 2003;43(suppl):66


·         Kertai MD, Bountioukos M, Thompson IR, Klein J, Roelandt JRTC, Poldermans D. Aortic stenosis, an underestimated risk factor for patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery. Eur Heart J 2003;24(suppl):688


·         Kertai MD, Boersma E, Bountioukos M, Bax JJ, Thompson I, van Urk H, Klein J, Poldermans D. Statins are independently associated with a reduced incidence of perioperative mortality and myocardial infarction in patients undergoing abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery. Eur Heart J 2003;24(suppl):653


·         Poldermans D, Bax JJ, Kertai MD, Schinkel AFL, Bountioukos M, Klein J, van Urk H, Boersma E. The long-term prognostic value of elevated cardiac troponins in patients undergoing major vascular surgery is not influenced by renal function or skeletal muscle injury. Eur Heart J 2003;24(suppl):74


·         Schinkel AFL, Bax JJ, Elhendy A, Vourvouri E, Bountioukos M, Sozzi F, Roelandt JRTC, Poldermans D. Assessment of viable tissue in Q-wave regions by metabolic imaging using single-photon emission computed tomography in ischemic cardiomyopathy. Eur Heart J 2002;23(suppl):86.


·         Kertai MD, Boersma E, Bax JJ, Vourvouri E, Sozzi F, Bountioukos M, Roelandt JRTC, Poldermans D. Clinical characteristics, dobutamine stress echo, and beta-blocker therapy to optimize long-term cardiac management after major vascular surgery. Eur Heart J 2002;23(suppl):104.


·         Schinkel AFL, Bax JJ, Vourvouri E, Bountioukos M, Kertai MD, Sozzi F, Roelandt JRTC, Poldermans D. Dobutamine-induced contractile reserve in stunned, hibernating, and scarred myocardium in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy. Eur Heart J 2002;23(suppl):207.


·         Bountioukos M, Poldermans D, Bax JJ, Sozzi F, Vourvouri E, Schinkel AFL, Kertai MD, Roelandt JRTC. The effect of atorvastatin on myocardial contractile reserve assessed by tissue Doppler imaging during dobutamine stress echocardiography. Eur Heart J 2002;23(suppl):420.


·         Vourvouri E, Poldermans D, Schinkel AFL, Sozzi F, Bountioukos M, Karvounis H, Bax JJ, Roelandt JRTC. Usefulness of a personal ultrasound imager at the outpatient clinic. Eur Heart J 2002;23(suppl):428



·         Schinkel AFL, Bax JJ, Vourvouri E, Bountioukos M, Sozzi F, Elhendy A, Roelandt JRTC, Poldermans D. Assessment of residual myocardial viability in regions with chronic electrocardiographic Q-wave infarction. Eur Heart J 2002;23(suppl):718


·         Bountioukos M, Doorduijn JK, Vourvouri E, Bax JJ, Kertai MD, Rizzello V, Roelandt JRTC, Poldermans D. Repetitive dobutamine stress echocardiography testing for the prediction of anthracycline cardiotoxicity. Eur J Echocardiogr 2002;3(suppl I):S26


·         Schinkel AFL, Vourvouri E, Bax JJ, Bountioukos M, Boomsma F, Rizzello V, Roelandt JRTC, Poldermans D. The presence of contractile reserve during low-dose dobutamine infusion influeneces plasma BNP levels. Eur J Echocardiogr 2002;3(suppl I):S68


·         Vourvouri EC, Schinkel AFL, Poldermans D, Boomsma F, Sianos G, Krenning B, Bountioukos M, Sozzi F, Bax JJ, Roelandt JRTC. Screening for heart failure: Inferior vena cava collapse assessment with a small personal ultrasound imager or brain natriuretic peptide measurement. Eur J Echocardiogr 2002;3(suppl I):S68


·         Sozzi F, Elhendy A, Poldermans D, van Domburg R, Vourvouri EC, Schinkel AFL, Bax JJ, Romano S, Bountioukos M, Roelandt JRTC. Prognostic value of dobutamine stress echocardiography in patients with hypertension. Eur J Echocardiogr 2002;3(suppl I):S122


·         Bountioukos M, Doorduijn JK, Vourvouri E, Bax JJ, Schinkel AFL, Kertai MD, Roelandt JRTC, Sonneveld P, Poldermans P. Repetitive dobutamine stress echocardiography testing for the prediction of anthracycline cardiotoxicity. Hellenic Journal of Cardiology 2002;43(suppl):34


·         Bountioukos M, Bax JJ, Rizzello V, Vourvouri C, Schinkel AFL, Kertai MD, Roelandt JRTC.  Atorvastatin improves myocardial contractility in moderately hypercholesterolemic patients, as assessed by tissue Doppler imaging. Hellenic Journal of Cardiology 2002;43(suppl):68


·         Kertai MD, Poldermans D, Bountioukos M, Vourvouri E, Sozzi F, Klein J, van Urk H.. Patients with moderate to severe aortic valve stenosis undergoing noncardiac surgery are still at high risk for perioperative mortality. Circulation 2002;106:555.

·         Vourvouri EC, Ten Cate FJ, Bountioukos M, Sozzi F, Sianos G. Evaluation of a personal ultrasound imager at the outpatient cardiology clinic. Circulation 2002;106:555.

·         Hatzinikolaou E, Klebetsanis K, Reppas E, Bountioukos M, Kabouridis N, Katsaris G. The slow pathway exhibits a higher adenosine-sensitivity compared to the fast pathway in patients with dual AV-nodal physiology. Europace 2000;1(suppl B):B4.


·         Bountioukos M, Lampropoulos S, Arampatzis C, Poldermans D. Effect of systemic hypertension and coronary artery disease on the ratio of early transmitral Doppler velocity to early tissue Doppler velocity. Hellenic Journal of Cardiology 2005;46(suppl):25.

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Μέλος Συλλόγων:

·         Μέλος του Ιατρικού Συλλόγου Κοζάνης

·         Μέλος της Καρδιολογικής Εταιρείας Βορείου Ελλάδος

·         Μέλος της Ελληνικής Καρδιολογικής Εταιρείας

·         Μέλος της Ομάδας Εργασίας Ηχοκαρδιογραφίας της Ελληνικής Καρδιολογικής Εταιρείας

·         Μέλος της European Society of Cardiology

·         Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology (FESC)

·         1ο βραβείο ανηρτημένης ανακοίνωσης, 24ο Πανελλήνιο Καρδιολογικό Συνέδριο, Ρόδος 2003
  • 1ο βραβείο επιστημονικής εργασίας, 25ο Πανελλήνιο Καρδιολογικό Συνέδριο, Αθήνα 2004


  • Δημοσίευση βιογραφικού σημειώματος από τον οργανισμό των Η.Π.Α.: Marquis Who’s Who in Science and Engineering,  8th edition 2005-2006.


  • Δημοσίευση βιογραφικού σημειώματος από τον οργανισμό των Η.Π.Α.: Marquis Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare,  6th edition 2006-2007.


  • Δημοσίευση βιογραφικού σημειώματος από τον οργανισμό των Η.Π.Α.: Marquis Who’s Who in the World,  2th edition 2007.


  • Δημοσίευση βιογραφικού σημειώματος από τον οργανισμό της Ελβετίας: Hubners Who is Who στην Ελλάδα, 1st edition 2006.


  • Ανακήρυξη από τον οργανισμό: American Biographical Institute ως Great Mind of the 21st Century και εγγραφή του τίτλου στην έκδοση του 2005 “Great Minds of the 21st Century”.


  • Απόδοση από το International Biographical Center of Cambridge, England του τίτλου: International Health Professional of the Year 2005. Ανακήρυξη από το ίδιο ινστιτούτο ως Deputy Director General (DDG).


  • Απρίλιος 2012 –σήμερα: Αντιπρόεδρος AHEPA (American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association), Chapter HJ 15-Kozani, District 25

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