Case Report of Inflammatory
Myofibroblastic Tumor of the Lung , P. Petropoulos, M.
Sklavos, M. Konstantinou, P. Nikolaides, L. Revvas, E. Kourou, P. Vretakos, G.
Trauma-related acute
spigelian hernia in a child, P.
P. Nikolaides, M. Sklavos, G.
Papathanasiou, M. Vakaki, G. Petousis, 1st surgical department,
Athens Children Hospital “P&A Kyriakou”, Athens, Greece, Radiology
department, Athens Children Hospital “P&A Kyriakou”, Athens, Greece, MAPS
SKIN AND SOFT TISSUE INFECTIONS IN CHILDREN IN GREECE. AN EMERGING EPIDEMIC?" P. Petropoulos & al, 1st surgical clinic, Athens Children Hospital
“P&A Kyriakou”, ESPID, Brussels, 2009
Administration de somatostatine apres traumatism du
pancreas chez l' enfant, Th Aivazoglou, G. Spiridis, P. Petropoulos, A. Passalides, 62eme congres de la societe
francaise de chirurgie pediatrique, Reims, 2005
Intra- abdominal abscesses
of unknown etiology in children surgically treated as neonates, P.
Petropoulos, P. Nikolaides, A. Augeropoulos, A. Poupalou, Th. Dionisis, L.
Dimitriou, G. Petousis, 1st surgical clinic, Athens children
Hospital “P&A Kyriakou”, 27th Pan –
Hellenic Conference of Pediatric Surgery, Kefallinia, 2007
Two cases of abdominal
Burkitt lymphomas, P. Petropoulos, P. Nikolaides, S. Kosteletos, P.
Maniati, A. Poupalou, D. Mpouxoutsou, E. Kosmidi, G. Petpusis, 1st
surgical clinic, Athens children Hospital “P&A Kyriakou”, 27th Pan – Hellenic Conference of Pediatric Surgery,
Kefallinia, 2007
Aggressive neurofibromatosus tumor in a 5 years old
child, P. Petropoulos, G. Petousis,
P. Maniati, S. Giotakis, V. Vaggopoulos,S. Kosteletos, M. Sklavos, 1st surgical clinic, Athens
children Hospital “P&A Kyriakou”, 27th Pan – Hellenic
Conference of Pediatric Surgery, Kefallinia, 2007
False clinical, ultrasound and radiographic diagnosis
of intersusception in a 7 year old boy, P.
Petropoulos, P. Nikolaides, M. Sklavos, S. Kosteletos, G. Markogiannakis,
G. Petousis, 1st surgical department, Athens Children Hospital
“P&A Kyriakou”, 28th Pan – Hellenic Conference of Pediatric
Surgery, Iwannina, 2010
- Congenital epiploic, mesenteric and retroperitoneal cysts, P. Petropoulos, V. Alexopoulos, O.
Achileos, G. Spirides, N. Gavera, Th. Aivazoglou, 2nd surgical
department, Athens Children Hospital “P&A Kyriakou”,26th
Pan – Hellenic Pediatric Surgery Conference, Santorini, 2005
Neurologic symptoms as first symptom of Ewing Sarkoma
of the rib cage, G. Petousis, P.
Petropoulos, A. Pourtsidis, A. Augeropoulos, S. Kosteletos, A. Poupalou, M.
Sklavos, 1st surgical department,Athens Children Hospital “P&A
Kyriakou”, Oncology Department, Athens Children Hospital “P&A Kyriakou”, 46th
Pan – Hellenic Pediatric conference, Corfu, 2008
Perforation of Meckel ’s Diverticulum in a 2 days old
neonate presented as pneumoperitoneum, G. Petousis, P. Petropoulos, M. Sklavos, A. Augeropoulos, S. Kosteletos, P.
Aggelides, P. Nikolaides, 1st surgical department, Athens Children
Hospital “P&A Kyriakou”, 28th Pan – Hellenic Conference of
Pediatric Surgery, Iwannina, 2010
Presentation of a case of pneumoperitoneum in a
neonate without perforation of the bowel integrity, P. Nikolaides, P. Petropoulos, A. Poupalou, M.
Sklavos, S. Kosteletos, P. Vrettakos, P. Karamaritis, G. Petousis, 1st
surgical department, Athens Children Hospital “P&A Kyriakou”, 28th
Pan – Hellenic Conference of Pediatric Surgery, Iwannina, 2010
Renal abscesses in children, a report of two cases, M.
Sklavos, P. Petropoulos, S.
Kosteletos, P. Nikolaides, A. Augeropoulos, G. Markogianakis, G. Petousis, 1st
surgical department, Athens Children Hospital “P&A Kyriakou”, 28th
Pan – Hellenic Conference of Pediatric Surgery, Iwannina, 2010
- Thrombosis of renal artery after trauma, Surgical intervention or
follow – up?, G. Petousis, P.
Petropoulos, A. Mitsioni, M. Sklavos, P. Maniati. P. Nikolaides, 1st
surgical department,Nephrology department, Athens Children Hospital
“P&A Kyriakou”, 46th Pan – Hellenic Pediatric conference,
Corfu, 2008
- Intersusception treatment with air, G.
Spirides, P. Petropoulos, A.
Passalides, A. Georgiades, Th. Aivazoglou, 2ndsurgical department, Athens Children Hospital “P&A Kyriakou”,
43rd Pan- Hellenic Pediatric Conference, Kos, 2005
22nd annual Pan-Hellenic conference, "white coat
hypertension in hypertasic patients with or without drug treatment", G.
Stergiou, A Zourmpaki, P. Petropoulos,
A. Acheimastos, Th. Moudokalakis, Athens 1996
- Tracheo-esophageal
fistula type H, Diagnostic considerations, A. Georgiades, K. Velaoras, G.
Kapouleas, P. Petropoulos, Th.
Aivazoglou, 2nd surgical department, Athens Children Hospital
“P&A Kyriakou”,26th Pan – Hellenic Pediatric Surgery
Conference, Santorini, 2005
Renal Tumor: Surgical treatment without chemotherapy,
A. Poupalou, P. Nikolaides, M. Sklavos, P.
Petropoulos, D. Mpouxoutsou, M Varvoutsi, E. Kosmidi, G. Petousis, 1st surgical department, Oncology
department Athens Children Hospital “P&A Kyriakou”, 27th
Pan – Hellenic Conference of Pediatric Surgery, Kefallinia, 2007
Rare case of duplication of urogenital system:
Duplication of urethra in a 3 year old boy, V. Vaggopoulos, M. Sklavos, A.
Poupalou, P. Petropoulos, P.
Maniati, A. Augeropoulos, G. Petousis, 1st
surgical department Athens Children Hospital “P&A Kyriakou”, 27th Pan – Hellenic Conference of
Pediatric Surgery, Kefallinia, 2007
Rare co- existence of multiple spleens and biliary
atresia, P. Maniati, P. Nikolaides, A. Augeropoulos, A. Poupalou, P. Petropoulos, Th. Dionisis, A. Nika, Em.
Androulakakis, G. Petousis, 1st
surgical department, NICU, Athens Children Hospital “P&A Kyriakou” ,
27th Pan – Hellenic Conference of Pediatric Surgery, Kefallinia,
Burns and recovery in
children, a 5 year follow- up, S. Giotakis, P. Maniati, A. Poupalou, P.
Petropoulos, Th. Dionisis, P. Panagiotou, G. Petousis, 1st
surgical department Athens Children Hospital “P&A Kyriakou”, Plastic
Surgery clinic, Athens General Hospital “G. Gennimatas”, 27th Pan – Hellenic
Conference of Pediatric Surgery, Kefallinia, 2007
testicular stem cell tumors
in children, a 10 year experience, A. Poupalou, D. Doganis, A. pourtsides, P.
Maniati, P. Petropoulos, S.
Giotakis, E. kosmidi, G. Petousis, Em. Androulakakis, 1st surgical department Athens
Children Hospital “P&A Kyriakou”, 27th
Pan – Hellenic Conference of Pediatric Surgery, Kefallinia, 2007